Pastor Michael
Pastor Michael Vreeland (Dr. Mike Vreeland) has been serving at 1st Baptist since March 2021. He first served as the interim, and then was voted in as the pastor in June 2022. Pastor Michael loves the Word of God, and he has a heart for cross-cultural mission.
Experience: Prior to following God’s call to serve at 1st Baptist, Michael had extensive experience both in pastoral ministry and cross-cultural mission. He served three different terms in missions. Most recently, he and his family served in Southeast Asia (2017-2020). Michael and his wife also served as ministers in a Chinese-American church in New Haven, CT (2009-2017).
Calling & Education: Michael began to receive a ‘call’ to ministry at the age of 15. Isaiah 6:6-8 was a key scripture which altered his early years. He received his Bachelor’s Degree (Christian Education, Bible) at Houghton College (2001), and then completed his Master of Divinity at Samford University (2007). He completed his Ph.D. in World Christian Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2021).
Minister Ruth
Minister Ruth Vreeland, by God’s grace, escaped her war-torn home country and joined her family in August of 2021. Ruth has been leading the women’s ministry, children’s ministry, and fills the pulpit occasionally. She also continues to lead the ministry which the Vreeland family began in Southeast Asia in 2017.
Experience: Prior to Ruth’s service at 1 st Baptist, she co-served with Pastor Michael at the Chinese American church as the Mission Director. She also has been serving as a part-time lecturer of a Southeast Asian seminary since 2008. Ruth is a gifted teacher and leader.
Calling & Education: Ruth felt called to the ministry during her college years (Judson College, AL). She followed this call to Samford University where she received her Master of Divinity (2007). She then completed her Doctorate of Education from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2015.
About the Vreeland Family
Michael and Ruth met at Samford University while both working on their
Master of Divinity. After an initial stint in missions they served at a New
Haven Church (2009-2017). During that time of service their two girls,
Isabella & Eliana, were born. They moved as a family to serve as church
planters and educators in Southeast Asia, but a military coup forced them to
move back to the U.S. Ruth & Michael feel called to serve at First Baptist Church of Shelton for this season of their life.